Staying Connected is Key

As of this writing, in response to the COVID-19 threat, around 80% of Americans are on some form of quarantine, or “lockdown” protocol.

Restrictions on “non-essential” businesses have forced many to scramble and find ways to allow for remote work, and continue operations in order to keep running. Small business owners and entrepreneurs may be a little more flexible, or already have work-at-home options and guidelines, but continued separation from clients and normal workflows can strain even the most adept remote pros.

Not to mention, confinement with your family--or alone--adds additional challenge. Children and teens are without peer interaction, spouses and partners are trying to navigate their own job needs, or if you live alone, the lack of connection with work mates you’re used to seeing every day may be more pressing than figuring out ZOOM calls.

The importance of protecting vulnerable members of society from COVID-19 and mitigating the impact on hospitals by “flattening the curve” is crucial, but a couple of things that aren’t widely addressed are the effect of facing a life-altering epidemic while being separated from your social circle, and continuing business relationships--not just business--while working remotely.

While those are seemingly different problems, the solution for both is the same...communication.

The tools that are discussed in the programs used by Quest Executive Services for individuals, leaders, and teams, are helpful for enhancing communication in any sphere. In the current world situation, communication is especially crucial, and while isolation is never fun, it can be a great time to hone skills and really engage on a deeper level, leading to growth in personal communication that can minimize the disconnect experienced when physically distant.

On a business level, the programs at Quest Executive Services offer guidance that can elevate communication and connection both between team members and with clients. In the “new normal”, relationships are more necessary than ever; ease and surplus tend to lower expectations and make decisions less narrow. When there’s a sense of urgency, and some expenditures or connections aren’t perceived as deep or necessary, they’re easy to cut. When you have real relationships with clients, you have more security. And relationships aren’t able to be faked for long; you’ll need to be genuine, and your communication will need to reflect your clients’ importance to you in a way that’s meaningful. Straightforward communication and establishing connection isn’t just a good, conscientious life choice, it’s also good business.

On a personal level, the programs teach self-awareness and the impact, whether the focus is conflict, collaboration, or productivity. There’s been a lot of press focused on the importance of keeping your distance from other people during the period of “lockdown”, but something that needs to be addressed is how painful that can be for extended periods. Human beings are designed for connection. Babies need it for optimal development early in life, and there are studies that indicate social connection improves health.

It’s been suggested that “physical distancing” is a better term than “social distancing” for the current provisions put in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19. What we need is the ability to maintain social connection in the face of physical distance, and communication is key to that. Social media has provided one way to maintain connection, but good, quality interaction needs to play a big role, too. Memes and Instagram story posts may lighten moods, but finding ways to communicate feelings to individuals, or use technology to lessen the impact of physical distance can be a much needed skill. In a world attuned to technology, a misplaced emoji in a text or accidental spellcheck malfunction can create doubt or confusion; nothing replaces the ability to choose words that correctly express feelings or intentions, and that is something that many of us need to practice to perfect.

Quest Executive Services offers multiple tools to help business leaders engage in communication that elevates outcomes, but this is also a resource that can help conversations and exchanges on any level, for any person that needs a little help. We would like to extend an offer to explore this resource with any individual or group that feels they could benefit from it, whether it’s a corporate team, a teenager stuck at home, or families that are trying to get the most out of resources available to check on each other, and keep isolated members (particularly elderly parents and grandparents) from feeling alone. For the next 60 days, until the end of May, 2020, special discounts are available. Contact us to ask for rates.

Tools can be used in a variety of ways, and there are many methods available for weathering an adjustment like this, but a program designed to foster growth in communication is a great choice for using this challenge as an opportunity to stretch, and develop new skills.

Reach out to Quest today to find out how an assessment can help you. Stay safe, and stay connected!






How Businesses Can (and Should) Lead in the "New Normal"